Tooele City is continually making improvements to our infrastructure. In addition to daily maintenance on City infrastructure, the following is a list of current and upcoming Public Works projects. If you have questions about these projects, please call the Tooele City Public Works Department at
435.843.2130. We appreciate your cooperation and patience during this important work!
- 100 East 1000 North Traffic Signal: Work began in July on installation of a new traffic light at 100 East 1000 North. Roadway improvements and new striping will also be part of this project. Traffic delays in the area will be expected during construction.
- Aaron Drive and Berra Boulevard: A treatment called high density mineral bond was applied in July to Aaron Drive and Berra Boulevard. This is a first in Tooele City. Mineral bond is an effective asphalt preservation on residential roadways without some of the effects of chip seals or slurry seals. It is specifically engineered to preserve the native asphalt binder and prevent oxidative damage. As a result, streets are expected to last longer at less cost.
- All-Way Stops: A four-way stop was installed at 7th Street and Upland Drive, at 100 East 400 North, and Coleman and Vine Street. As always - please drive safely, obey all traffic rules, and always use caution.
- Berra Boulevard and 2000 North Round-a-bout: Construction will begin soon to remove old asphalt and replace with new. New striping and signage will also be part of this project.
- Droubay Road Widening Project: Construction continues on this project which will include road widening, curb, gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and a walking/biking path on Droubay Road between Vine Street and Smelter Road.
- Flashing pedestrian signals (RRFB): Flashing Pedestrian Signals were recently installed on Vine Street at approximately 300 West near Tooele High School and Tooele Junior High School. Please watch for pedestrians crossing in that area, especially when school starts this month!
- Roadwork Projects: There are several cul-de-sacs that are scheduled to be roto-milled and asphalted and several roads on the schedule for chip seal. These projects will begin late August to early September.
- Vine Street Sidewalk: New curb, gutter, and sidewalk will soon be installed on Vine Street near the Oquirrh Hills ballfield (approximately 559 East Vine Street).