

If you are unable to find the person or department you are looking for in the directory below, please call 435.843.2100 and the receptionist will assist you.

*For after hours utilities emergencies, please call dispatch at 435.882.5600 and they will alert the necessary on-call personnel.
Department Name First Name Last Name Title Email Phone
Accounts Payable Crystal Huntsman AP/AR Clerk crystalh@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2152
Administration Shilo Baker Public Relations Specialist
Executive Asst. to the Mayor
shilob@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2104
Animal Control Jeremy Hansen Animal Control Supervisor jhansen@tooelecity.gov (435) 882-5600
Animal Shelter animalshelter@tooelecity.gov (435) 882-4607
Attorney Roger Baker Tooele City Attorney rogerb@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2120
Building Safety Brad Alder Building Official brada@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2132
Business Licensing Denece Hall Business Licensing Specialist deneceh@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2110
Cemetery Kelly Vorwaller Cemetery Supervisor kellyv@tooelecity.gov (435) 882-4241
City Council Loretta Herron City Council Liaison lorettah@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2113
Community Development Andrew Aagard Community Development Director andrewa@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2132
Community Engagement Division Holly Tippetts Community Engagement
Division Supervisor
hollyt@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2141
Economic Development John Perez Economic Development Director johnp@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2169
Emergencies .ext 911
Engineering Paul Hansen Contract City Engineer paulh@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2132
Finance Shannon Wimmer Finance Director shannonw@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2150
Fire Matt McCoy Fire Chief mmccoy@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2212
Golf Course Cody Lopez Golf Pro codyl@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2301
Human Resources Kami Perkins Human Resources
hr@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2247
Library Chase Randall Library Director chaser@tooelecity.gov (435) 882-2182
Mayor Debbie Winn Mayor dwinn@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2104
Parks and Recreation Darwin Cook Parks and
Recreation Director
darwinc@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2143
Human Resources Laura Caldwell Payroll laurac@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2154
Ordinance Enforcement Faalili Finai Ordinance Enforcement Supervisor ffinai@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2132
Planning, Zoning, and Land Use Kent Page City Planner and
Zoning Administrator
kentp@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2132
Police Department
Front Desk police@tooelecity.gov (435) 882-8900
Public Works Jamie Grandpre Public Works Director jamieg@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2130
Railroad Museum (Summer Only) Rick Graham Railroad Museum Coordinator rickg@tooelecity.gov
Recorder Michelle Pitt City Recorder michellep@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2113
Fleet Maintenance Craig Park Fleet Supervisor publicworks@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2130
Streets Geoff Allred Streets Superintendent publicworks@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2130
Swimming Pool (Pratt Aquatic Center) Josh DeCola Swimming Pool Superintendent joshd@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2601
Treasurer Kami Perkins Human Resources Director kamip@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2105
Utilities Jenipher Garcia Accountant/Utility Lead jenipherg@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2157
Water Chris Johnson Water Superintendent publicworks@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2130
Water Reclamation Troy Meyer Water Reclamation Supervisor publicworks@tooelecity.gov (435) 843-2130