
Business Licenses

All business licenses, including beer licenses, are processed and issued by the Tooele City Business Licensing Office. The Business Licensing Office is located in City Hall, 90 North Main Street, Tooele, Suite 108 (Community Development).

Anyone offering a service from their home, for compensation, requires a Tooele City Business License. This includes contractors even though they may be licensed by the State. You can access the Business License Application here. Please return your application to the Business Licensing Office at City Hall or email it to businesslicense@tooelecity.gov. It takes a few days to go through the approval process. If you have questions, you may call 435.843.2110.


Home Occupation Businesses — Your 2025 business license certificate should have arrived by mail after December 15, 2024.  There is no fee for a home-based business.

Commercial Business License renewals for 2025 should have arrived just after December 1, 2024. Commercial businesses, you can mail in your payment, bring your payment in person to the Finance Department at City Hall, leave your payment in the Utility Payment Drop Box on the south side of City Hall.  Please include the business license number that is on your business license certificate in the upper left‐hand corner under the Tooele City logo.   Commercial businesses can also renew their license and make payment online at www.municipalonlinepayments.com/tooeleut. You have through the month of January to renew your license. A 50% LATE FEE will be implemented on February 1, 2025. You will have until March 1, 2025 to pay the licensing fee + the penalty fee. If you are no longer in business, please let us know in writing by e‐mailing businesslicense@tooelecity.gov.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Business Licensing Office at 435.843.2110.


Are you starting a business? Are you an existing business in need of additional resources? The Tooele County Business Resource Center could help. They offer free consulting, mentoring, and coaching. There are training opportunities and for some businesses some of that training cost could be paid for you. Contact the Business Resource Center today!

ALL door‐to‐door solicitors (Itinerant/Transient Merchants) must be licensed with Tooele City and must have a 2025 PINK Tooele City ID Badge on and in plain sight (2024 YELLOW Tooele City ID Badges expired at the end of December 2024 and must be renewed).  If a solicitor is not wearing a badge, call Dispatch at 435.882.5600. Please be sure to give a complete description of the individual and the direction they are headed. Thank you!
General Information (Frequently Asked Questions)
How do I get a business license?

If you live in Tooele City, or have a business location in Tooele City, you must fill out a business license application.

Please bring with you the following paperwork:

  1. Business License Application
  2. Proof of registration with the state of Utah (see “Where do I register my business name?")
  3. Your sales tax number (see “Where do I obtain a sales tax number?”)
Who must license their business?

By law, all businesses are required to be licensed with the local municipality in which they are doing business. General standards exist for licensing, but each city and county also have unique requirements and procedures. It is best to contact the city or county office you live in or will be working in to know the exact standards that are set for licensing. If you live in Tooele City, or want to do business in Tooele City, contact the Tooele City Business Licensing Specialist at 435.843.2110 or businesslicense@tooelecity.gov.
If you live in Stansbury, or other unincorporated areas of Tooele County, you fall under Tooele County’s jurisdiction and would need to contact the Tooele County Clerk’s Office for business licensing at 435.843.3140 or visit the Tooele County Clerk's website. If you live in a city other than Tooele (including Lake Point and Erda), please contact that city about their licensing requirements.
How long does it take to receive a business license?

Most general business licenses in the City can be issued within 3-4 business days unless a building permit is required. If a building permit is required, then it could take longer depending on the work that is required to occupy the building/space.

A general “home occupation” (no public at the home) license would be approved by:

Building & Zoning (435.843.2132)

For Commercial Businesses (including food) and/or Industrial Businesses the license would be approved by:

Building & Zoning (435.843.2132)

Fire Department (if a Fire Inspection is needed the building Department will contact them)

Wastewater (435.882.1952)

Tooele County Health Department (435.277.2440). Required for some businesses: Food, Massage, Tattoo, Daycares.
How much does a business license cost?

Commercial Business License fee = $40.00, plus $3.00 for each employee (whether part time or full time)

Home Occupations or Home-Based Businesses = No charge if they do not impact the neighborhood

Non-Profit = No charge if documentation of non-profit status is provided

Business Licenses must be renewed each year. Notices for renewal are sent out each December and must be renewed by the end of January each year.

Solicitors (Door-to-door) = $40.00 + $10.00 for each ID Badge (issued by the Business Licensing Specialist)

  • Proof of registration with the Utah State Department of Commerce: toll free 877.526.3994 or //www.commerce.utah.gov/;
  • Proof of valid Drivers License, passport, or ID Card;
  • Copy of Utah State criminal history (BCI or background check): 801.965.4446 or 3888 West 5400 South Taylorsville, Utah.

Liquor/Beer license fee = $200.00 for first year & $100.00 to renew every year thereafter. You would also need to contact the Department of Alcohol Beverage Services (DABS) for approval: 801.977.6800 or 1625 South 900 West Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Where do I register my business name?

At the Utah State Division of Corporations and Commercial Code One Stop online Business Registration Website:

Division of Corporations and Commercial Code

Toll free at 877.526.3994

Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code
160 East 300 South, 2nd Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0801

There is a filing fee.

Businesses that are incorporated (limited liability company or limited partnership) must file incorporating or organizing articles. The fees vary. Please contact the Utah Division of Corporations.

Where do I obtain a sales tax number?

Contact the Utah State Tax Commission:


Utah State Tax Commission
210 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84134

Phone: 801.297.2200 or
Toll Free: 800.0662.4335
TDD: 801.297.2020
Fax: 801.297.7699

Hours: Monday–Friday
            8:00 am – 5:00 pm