Request for Records(GRAMA)
Request for Records (GRAMA) Form
It is in the best interest of Tooele City and its citizens, and essential for the administration of city government, to maintain and preserve accurate governmental records, provide ready access to records which are defined by law as open to the public, maintain the security of records which are defined by law as private, controlled, protected, or otherwise confidential, and to ensure the preservation of vital and historically valuable city records.
It is the policy of the City that all city records, which are defined by applicable Utah statutory and case law as public records, will be made available to citizens within a reasonable time after request and at a reasonable cost.
The Utah Government Records Access Management Act (GRAMA) is a comprehensive law that balances the public’s right to know with the public’s right to privacy. Only public records will be released to the public, all other records are subject to their classification and will be released only to specific, designated individuals/organizations. The public will not be charged for reviewing or inspecting a record; however, if a copy or scan of the record is requested, then a fee will be charged to cover copying or scanning costs.
To request a record, complete the request form in its entirety and submit it to the Recorder’s Office by mail, fax, or email. After receiving your GRAMA request, the Recorder’s Office will respond to your request by: (1) approving the request and providing the record within ten business days; (2) denying the request and outlining the appeals process; (3) notifying you that the City does not have or cannot find the record requested and direct you to the proper agency, if known; or (4) notifying you that an approval/denial cannot be given immediately and providing a date for follow-up communication.
Please contact the City Recorder if you have questions.