Water Reclamation
The Reclamation (Sewer) Division is responsible for the operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, replacement, and expansion of the City’s sewer collection and treatment infrastructure and to provide reliable, uninterrupted service to the community as well as continually refining and implementing odor management plans at the sewer treatment plant which will allow us to be the best neighbor possible to the community. The division strives to provide timely and comprehensive review of sewer facilities associated with new development and maintaining healthy relationships and appropriate interaction with local, state and federal agencies, and other organizations whose roles are critical and beneficial to our mission.
The department is responsible for all of the main line sewers that are generally found in most streets in the City which serve to collect waste water from homes and businesses to be delivered through the collection system to the City’s sewer treatment facility.
Routine operation of jet cleaning equipment is part of the regular preventative maintenance program. This operation maintains the system’s integrity by using high-pressure water along with mechanical cutters to remove root intrusions and grease buildup. Regular inspections using a truck mounted main line camera system identifies problem areas and helps evaluate maintenance operations.
Private properties are individually connected to the City’s waste water collections system through a pipe known as a sewer lateral. Property owners are responsible for the installation and maintenance of their sewer lateral from their home to the connection into the sewer main line in the street.
Help us Keep our Sewer System Running Smoothly!
One of the major causes of sewage back ups is animal and vegetable fats that get dumped down sink drains. After a short trip through the sewer line, fats and grease congeal, therefore blocking the passage of household waste. Solidified grease wreaks havoc by causing blockages in sewer laterals to homes and in the sewer system’s main lines. Please do not drain fats down kitchen sinks. Allow any fats to congeal and dispose of them with your normal trash pick up. Do not dump or pour any grease, fats, or oils into drains or toilets. Thank you for helping keep our sewer system running smoothly!
- Toilet Paper
- Paper towels, disposable wipes, washcloths, or rags
- Flushable wipes
- Synthetic materials such as plastic, which do not decompose or dissolve
- Feminine products
- Contraceptive devices
- Cotton balls
- Diapers and baby wipes
- Unused Medications or Syringes
- Hazardous materials or chemicals
- Fats, Oil, and Grease—place food scraps in the garbage

Photo Credit: EPA via Twitter