Planning Commission
The Tooele City Planning Commission is a seven member citizen board, with two additional alternate members, appointed by the City Council and the Mayor. The members serve staggered four-year terms and are led by a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson elected each year by the Commission members. The Commission conducts meetings and operates according to City and State laws governing procedure, as well as their own bylaws.
The Planning Commission makes a variety of recommendations and decisions on a wide range of land use items for the City and its residents. The Planning Commission makes recommendations to the City Council on applications for subdivisions, annexations, zoning designations, amendments to land use ordinances of the City Code, official City maps, the General Plan, and other various plans. The Planning Commission has also been delegated the decision-making authority for applications such as Conditional Use Permits and commercial site plans. The Planning Commission holds public hearings on most items and receives input from the public to facilitate citizen involvement and to gather relevant facts to aid in making recommendations and decisions.
The Tooele City Planning Commission generally meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held at Tooele City Hall, 90 North Main Street, in the City Council Chambers.
If you would like to get an item on the agenda, please call the City Planner & Zoning Administrator at 435.843.2167.
Members: Matt Robinson; Melanie Hammer; Weston Jensen; Jon Proctor; Chris Sloan, Vice Chairperson; Tyson Hamilton, Chairperson.
Alternate Members: Kelly Anderson; Jon Gossett; Alison Dunn.
City Council Liaison: Maresa Manzione; Ed Hansen
City Staff: Andrew Aagard, Director of Community Development; Kent Page, City Planner/Zoning Administrator; Roger Baker, City Attorney; Paul Hansen, City Engineer; Alicia Fairbourne, Minutes Secretary
Planning Commission Roster and Terms of Office (Updated December 30, 2024)(.pdf)