
How to Avoid Self-Flooding

Flood FlyerTooele City has received a lot of rain and snow over the past couple of months. While this is beneficial for our water supply, it does increase the risk of flooding during the months of late April through June.

Several factors can contribute to the likelihood of flooding:
     1. The extent snow continues to accumulate through the Spring throughout the City.
     2. The amount of snow that continues to pack into the mountains. 
     3. How quickly, and consistently, temperatures increase and remain warm which would lead to rapid snow melt. 
     4. If it continues to rain and snow heavily. 

The most common form of flooding that residents typically encounter is referred to as “self-flooding”. This term applies to homes where roof drainage, or downspouts are such that water dumps directly at the foundation and adjacent window wells. It is vital that residents check conditions around their homes to ensure that downspouts are free and clear of leaves or other debris, ensure roof and downspout drainage is away from the home, ensure that window wells extend several inches above the existing grade (or are protected by other means), and ensure flow paths for runoff are not blocked by anything that would prohibit the water flowing away from the home. This last item can also apply to vehicles parked along the roadway or in the park strip. It is not uncommon for high flows that would normally remain within the roadway and the curb and gutter, but becomes obstructed with vehicles that cause the water to jump outside of the curb and gutter.

Please know that City crews continue to monitor the major drainage systems to clear debris that is encountered in these areas.

Please continue to be vigilant and monitor conditions at your home, weather  reports, and other information posted on the City and County’s websites. We also ask that you please help neighbors and friends who may have physical or other limitations that may limit their ability to self-prepare and protect their property.

A little effort and care ahead of the event can significantly reduce the risk of flooding from all sources.

For more information on Flood Awareness:

- Flood Reference Guide from Governor Cox

- Flood Facts  Flood Facts Image 

Updated:  May 16, 2023
First Posted:  March 9, 2023

Last year there wasn’t enough water and now there might be too much!  With the weather forecasts we are receiving and spring being just around the corner, there is a potential for flooding.  If you are concerned about flooding or are in an area that has flooded in the past, we encourage you to do what you can to take care of your property.  Bags and sand are available for residents to fill their own sandbags at the following locations:

      • Dow James Park Parking Lot, 438 W 400 N - This station is closed.
      • Elton Park Parking Lot, 491 Birch St. - This station is closed.
      • Tooele County Location, 505 W 900 S
      • Park and Ride Parking Lot, 2400 North SR-36 - This station is closed.

Please bring your own shovels, funnels, and vehicles for hauling away your sandbags.  We request you only take what you need. There are message boards at those locations directing you to the location.  Please note that the fill station at the City Shops is not available at this time.

Huge shout out to Geneva Rock for donating sand!  Thank you!

We also want to thank Tooele County for their efforts to help in our flood mitigation efforts!

>  What do with sandbags when you no longer need them.

If your group would like to fill sandbags as a service project, please contact Nick Wall at nickw@tooelecity.org at 435.843.2213.