Public Notice

Date:  Wednesday June 17, 2020 (06/17/20)

Documents & Links:

Additional Documents:

June 17, 2020 (7pm)

Agenda & Packet

**NOTICE:  Tooele City has implemented Governor Herbert’s low risk (yellow) phase guidelines regarding public gatherings.  We strongly encourage you to join the City Council meeting electronically by logging on to the Tooele City Facebook page, at  //  If you would like to submit a comment for the public comment period or for a public hearing item please email anytime up until the start of the meeting.   Emails will only be read at the designated points in the meeting. 

However, if you choose to attend the July 1, 2020 City Council Meeting in person we ask that you maintain social distancing and wear a face covering.  Tooele City can accommodate up to 50 people in each of the two rooms available at City Hall.   Due to limited space and social distancing requirements, we ask that you limit the number of people that attend with you.