
Community Development

***You can now apply for and pay for a Building Permit online! All you have to do is go through our Building Permit Portal that is located on our Applications & Forms page.***

The Community Development Department strives to improve the quality of life in Tooele by improving the development process, boosting neighborhood livability and appearance, emphasizing quality housing and commercial design, construction and choice, and supporting building safety. In addition, Community Development works to strengthen community economic vitality through facilitating redevelopment, business attraction, and business retention. The Community Development Department is committed to providing excellent customer service to the public. The Community Development Department helps the City achieve both long- and short-term goals and objectives for management of growth and development.

Our goal is to provide leadership, policies, and programs that will promote strong, vibrant neighborhoods and community and to proactively encourage the positive and orderly growth and development of the City. The department advocates for the incorporation of diverse interests within our community to reduce barriers to continue to improve the quality of life for all residents. In concert with the values and spirit of the community, the Community Development Department is committed to proper and professional guidance for development of the City, protecting and enhancing the quality of life for all Tooele residents, bringing about efficient and effective delivery of services, implementing technology that will provide accurate data to assist in making informed decisions, and promoting community pride and cooperation. The Community Development Department provides support staff for City elected officials, boards, and commissions as well as citizen committees such as the Board of Adjustment and Board of Appeals.

Please note that the Ordinance Compliance/Code Enforcement Division has moved to the Police Department.

Quality service doesn’t change, it only gets better and that is our commitment to you. For additional information, please contact the Community Development Department at 435.843.2132.

Staff Member Position  Email Address
Andrew Aagard Director andrewa@tooelecity.gov
Brad Alder City Building Official brada@tooelecity.gov
Alissa Thompson Administrative Assistant alissat@tooelecity.gov
Presley Deavila Building Clerk presleyd@tooelecity.gov
Denece Hall Business Licensing Specialist deneceh@tooelecity.gov
Kent Page City Planner/Zoning Administrator kentp@tooelecity.gov
Paul Hansen Contract City Engineer paulh@tooelecity.gov
Seth Clegg Building Inspector sethc@tooelecity.gov
Josh Landgrebe Building Inspector joshual@tooelecity.gov
James Mair Building Inspector jamesm@tooelecity.gov
Barbara Vargas Plans Examiner bvargas@tooelecity.gov
Faalili Finai Ordinance Enforcement Supervisor ffinai@tooelecity.gov