
Snow Event Parking Restrictions and Winter Weather Reminders

Winter Restrictions and Reminders InfographicSnow Event Parking Restrictions
For many years, Tooele City had an ordinance in place that prohibited parking on any city street from November 1st to March 31st during the hours of 2:00 am to 6:00 am. In May of 2020, the Tooele City Council voted to change that ordinance so the time restriction is no longer in place.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Ordinance Compliance Division at 435.882.8900.

Tooele City Code 10-3-6 now reads, “10-3-6 Snow Event Parking Restrictions - Removal of Vehicles - Penalty”

(1) It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle on any public right-of-way:
(a) when snow is falling upon that vehicle; or,
(b) when snow or ice have accumulated in any amount on the right-of-way upon which that vehicle is parked.

(2) Any vehicle parked in violation of this Section may be removed at the discretion of the Tooele City Police Department for creating public safety risks and for obstructing the City’s snow removal efforts.

(3) The following are exempt from this Section:
(a) emergency vehicles and personnel in the performance of their functions and duties; and,
(b) Tooele City public works vehicles and employees in the performance of their functions and duties.

Please do not park on the street (or on the park strip or the sidewalk—they are also considered the right-of-way) when snow is falling or when snow or ice have accumulated. Please help snowplow drivers by keeping things like basketball hoops off the streets as well. Thank you!

*In August 2021, the Tooele City Council approved Ordinance 2021-09, which amended the civil penalty for parking violations during a snow event. The civil penalty is now the same as for all other parking violations: $50 if paid within 15 days, and $100 thereafter.


  • Keep your driveway and walks clear so that firefighters, medics and postal workers can reach your house or business.
  • Ensure all private roads are kept clear so fire apparatus and ambulances can reach your home.
  • If there is a fire hydrant near your home, keep it clear and accessible.
  • Remove all snow and ice adjacent to emergency exits, especially those exits that are infrequently used.
  • Keep snow and ice cleared from outside stairs.
  • If a major storm occurs, the fire hydrants nearest your home should be kept clear so that firefighters can readily locate and use them.
  • Ensure your pets are kept safe and secure when outside temperatures are below freezing.
Winter Weather Reminders
As the winter months approach we want to remind you that residential and business sidewalks must be cleared of snow, hail, ice, and sleet within 24 hours after a storm stops, this is especially important in areas that are school walking routes! Tooele City Code 4-11-15(1) states: “It is unlawful for any person owning or exercising control over any real property abutting any public sidewalk to fail to remove or cause to be removed from such sidewalk all hail, snow, or sleet falling thereon, or ice forming thereon, with 24 hours after such hail, snow, or sleet has ceased falling or ice has ceased forming.”

Do not place or propel snow, hail, ice and sleet in roadway or other portions of sidewalks. Tooele City Code 4-11-15(2) states: “It is unlawful for any person to place or propel, or cause to be placed or propelled, snow, ice, hail, or sleet in the public way or in any manner which poses a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic.”

Please be courteous to your neighbors, do not blow leaves, snow or other debris into their yards.

Please do not park your vehicles on the street (or on the park strip or the sidewalk—they are also the right-of-way) when snow is falling or when snow or ice have accumulated. Streets needs to be clear of vehicles, basketball hoops, and other obstructions for plows to safely and efficiently clear the streets. Trees should be trimmed to at least a 12’6” minimum so they do not obstruct or damage plows. Also, as a reminder, if your basketball hoop is on the park strip, please make sure
the hoop itself doesn’t hang over the street where it can get snagged on the snow plows.

If there is a fire hydrant near your house, do your part to keep it accessible. Create a three foot perimeter around the circumference of the fire hydrant free of snow and ice. Be sure to clear a path from the hydrant to the street. This will make it easier for firefighters to work in case of an emergency. 

Per Tooele City Code, semi-trucks, shall not park overnight on city streets other than designated truck routes. In section 10-2-7(3) the following are designated truck routes: “(a) SR-36 (Main Street); (b) SR-112; (c) Tooele Boulevard (1100 W. St.); (d) Droubay Road; (e) Pine Canyon Road; (f) other streets as designated by express written permission of the police chief…”

Freezing Temperatures
Every year when the weather turns cold, the City sees a rash of reports of frozen pipes. The best thing that you can do to prevent this in your home is to keep the pipes open. Leaving a slow drip or trickle in a faucet overnight, when the temperature and water usage is lowest, can prevent the water in your pipes from sitting still and freezing. If you have any questions, please contact our Public Works Department at 435.843.2130.