
Animal Licenses and Fees

Animal Licenses
All dogs and cats within Tooele City limits and over the age of four months must be licensed each year. The license renewal application must be accompanied by a current rabies vaccination certificate. Renewals are due by February 28th each year.

License renewal fees may be paid at Tooele City Hall (90 North Main Street) in the Finance Department. If you have any questions, please contact the Finance Department at 435.843.2150.

License Renewal Fees

For Your Pet’s Safety!

  • Keep a collar, ID tags, and a current City license on your pet at all times. This makes it easier to contact you if your pet is lost. 
  • Also please consider microchipping your pet at your local veterinarian’s office.
  • Ensure that your pet is supervised or safely confined on your property at all times.
  • Spay or neuter your pets and keep each of your pets current on all necessary vaccinations, especially the rabies vaccination.