Discontinue Utility Services
Utility services can be disconnected online at https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/tooeleut by logging into your utility account and select disconnect services on the left menu.
You can also disconnect your utility service by coming in to the Finance office at City Hall and signing the account card. We will need a signature authorizing the disconnect from the account owner.
- The address you want disconnected;
- The date you would like to discontinue service;
- A forwarding address;
- A current phone number in case there are any questions; and
- Your signature.
If you are closing an account by mail, email or fax, please follow up with a phone call to ensure that your information was received and that your account will be closed out and will no longer accrue charges.
Please note: No same day closures and we cannot backdate closure charges.
You can reach us at 435.843.2150.