
Water Quality Reports

Tooele City vigilantly safeguards its water supplies by:

  • Establishing drinking water source protection zones for each of the City’s sources,
  • Adoption of City Ordinance and reliance of County Ordinance which regulate potential hazards to the City’s drinking water sources, and
  • Collecting and analyzing water quality data to evaluate watershed protection efforts.

You can help by:

  • Reading and following usage guidelines on detergents, fertilizers, and pesticides,
  • Doing your part to prevent runoff into the storm drain system,
  • Properly disposing of household products such as cleaners, oil or gasoline and unused medicines,
  • Continuing your water conservation efforts, and
  • When you notice someone else contaminating the water, remind them that “We all live downstream.”
Drinking Water Source Protection Image

The Drinking Water Source Protection Plan for Tooele City is available for your review. It contains information about source protection zones, potential contamination sources, and management strategies to protect each of our drinking water sources. Potential contamination sources common in our protection areas include sanitary sewer lines, septic tanks, roads, residential, commercial and industrial areas, etc. These sources of potential contamination are typically classified as a low susceptibility. Sources which are classified as medium susceptibility include buried fuel storage tanks, accidental spills of potential contaminants, or other similar conditions. The City has developed management strategies to further protect all of our sources from contamination. Please contact the Public Works Department at 435.843.2130, if you have questions or concerns about our source protection plan.
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Water Quality Reports9 documents

  • 2023 Tooele City Water Quality Report
    document Header 2023 Tooele City Water Quality Report
  • 2022 Tooele City Water Quality Report
    document Header 2022 Tooele City Water Quality Report
  • 2021 Tooele City Water Quality Report – Amended Report Updated June 29, 2022
    document Header 2021 Tooele City Water Quality Report – Amended Report Updated June 29, 2022
  • 2020 Tooele City Water Quality Report
    document Header 2020 Tooele City Water Quality Report
  • 2019 Tooele City Water Quality Report
    document Header 2019 Tooele City Water Quality Report
  • 2018 Tooele City Water Quality Report
    document Header 2018 Tooele City Water Quality Report
  • 2017 Tooele City Water Quality Report
    document Header 2017 Tooele City Water Quality Report
  • 2016 Tooele City Water Quality Report
    document Header 2016 Tooele City Water Quality Report
  • 2015 Tooele City Water Quality Report
    document Header 2015 Tooele City Water Quality Report