
Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipients

Congratulations to all of our Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipients! These residents are very deserving of this recognition for going above and beyond in their service to our community and our community is a better place because of them.

Do you know of a resident who you feel is deserving of a Mayor's Community Recognition Award? Nominate them here!
Rebecca Ford - January 2024
Congratulations to our Tooele City Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipient for January - Rebecca Ford!

Rebecca Ford Photo
Rebecca was recognized at the City Council Meeting on January 17, 2024 (Video).
Rebecca was nominated by Darlene Coster.

"Rebecca has made a big impact in the Tooele community by changing many young lives. Rebecca works as a severe special education teacher at Tooele High School. She does an excellent job in that capacity and really helps to make a difference for people with disabilities in our community. She was named the Teacher of the Year for the entire state of Utah last year.

For the past 13 years, Rebecca has conducted the Mr. and Miss Super Amazing pageant at Tooele High School. This pageant showcases students with disabilities from three High Schools in the district.  The pageant has been recognized by many groups including the Governor’s office. Governor Cox even attended the pageant last year.

Rebecca has grown her peer tutor program from eight students in the beginning to having well over 100 students participate as peer tutors.

Her influence is widespread. Many of her former peer tutors are either currently teaching special education or are in programs to become special education teachers.

Rebecca is awesome at providing an inclusive environment for people around her, where everyone is treated equal, has purpose and value. Rebecca just wants to make a difference in people’s life."

Thank you for making a difference in our community!

Congratulations Rebecca!

Crystal Harris - February 2024
Congratulations to our Tooele City Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipient for February - Crystal Harris!

Crystal Harris Photo
Crystal was recognized at the City Council Meeting on February 21, 2024 (Video).
Crystal was nominated by Autumn Hoffman.

"Crystal created a dress exchange program that finds and donates formal wear to local girls who may not have the means to dress themselves for school events, pageants, or any other special occasion. The formal dress exchange has helped many girls in the County."

Thank you for making a difference in our community!

Congratulations Crystal!

Berna and Chris Sloan - April 2024
Congratulations to our Tooele City Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipient for April - Berna and Chris Sloan!

Berna and Chris Sloan Photo
Berna and Chris were recognized at the City Council Meeting on April 3, 2024 (Video).
Berna and Chris were nominated by Jan Pater.

"Berna and Chris are both deeply involved in the community. Whether it is something social or political they are involved in it!

Chris is the broker/owner of Group 1 Real Estate.  In 2023, Chris was recognized as the Tooele County Chamber of Commerce’s Citizen of the Year. This award recognizes an individual for their accomplishments in their employment, civic or other voluntary service.  

Chris has served on the Tooele City Planning and Zoning Commission for the past 13 years. He attends nearly every city council meeting.  He is often heard making public comments at government meetings where he is consistently thanking others for their service.  When he sees a problem, he comes to the government entity with a solution, not just a complaint. He is a great supporter of Tooele City and local businesses located here. He supports our effort to make Tooele City a place that families are proud to call home. During the first 3 months of every year, he is sure to be found on Utah’s Capitol Hill trying to advance issues for all of Tooele County residents.

Chris has served on the board of directors for the National Association of Realtors since 2009 where he ensures that the State of Utah is heard nationally. 

Chris also served as the liaison for the National Association of Realtors to the office of former Congressman Chris Stewart. 

As many of you know, it takes a strong person to support their partner in their volunteer service.  Berna is that person for Chris. 

Berna is a lifelong resident of Tooele County. She is a wife, mom, grandma, and successful in her real estate company. Berna is described as being a true professional, but her kind heart and soul are what really make her who she is. The Sloan family recently endured a horrible tragedy and throughout the months following their loss, Berna still continued to send kind messages to her friends and clients brightening their day. She always puts others before herself.  

Berna is currently serving as volunteer member of the Tooele City Library Board.

Last year Berna organized a Halloween Carnival for children with special needs who live in the community. She recruited local businesses and organizations to participate in this event by providing games and activities for the children to enjoy. Berna has also volunteered her time at the Tooele City Haunted Historic Park by creating a Halloween display and volunteering her time at the event.

Berna loves spending time with her children and grandchildren and can often be found supporting them at their activities.

Chris and Berna are committed to making Tooele a great place for their family and the community to live in."

Thank you for making a difference in our community!

Congratulations Berna and Chris!

Amber Einerson - May 2024
Congratulations to our Tooele City Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipient for January - Amber Einerson!

Amber Einerson Photo
Amber was recognized at the City Council Meeting on May 15, 2024 (Video).
Amber was nominated by Mary Krish.

"Amber is a lifelong resident of Tooele County. She is busy raising three boys and is passionate about helping the community. She has a master's degree in education and worked in special education for many years before moving onto working with the elderly in the community. Amber shows great care to those she works with by helping to give them every opportunity she can. 

Amber is a member of the Ladies Community Club of Tooele where she helps coordinate volunteers and facilitates many of their programs. Recently, the club held a baby blanket making event, sewing beautiful blankets that were donated to local families. Amber also volunteers her time to the local soccer club as a volunteer coach. 

Amber has always had a compassionate side, while growing up she helped care for their disabled brother with gentleness and love. Amber is an incredibly knowledgeable, caring and kind-hearted woman."

Thank you for making a difference in our community!

Congratulations Amber!

Christy Johnson - March 2023
Congratulations to our Tooele City Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipient for March - Christy Johnson!

Christy Johnson Photo

Christy was recognized at the City Council Meeting on March 15, 2023 (Video).
Christy was nominated by Melissa Wallace.

"Christy started working with the Tooele County School District in 2014 as the Homeless Liaison. This position was to identity those students who were facing poverty or homelessness. She would help these students to obtain showers at the schools, lunches and dinners on the weekend, and whatever the students needed to be successful at school. Every year Christy provided the “back to school closet” for those students that couldn’t afford to purchase supplies for the new school year. These students could select clothing, shoes, a new backpack, and various school supplies.

In 2020, a nonprofit organization arrived in Tooele that would help the adults that were facing homelessness and poverty in our community. She worked with Switchpoint to open a Thrift Store that would help with operations for the food pantry, domestic violence, and a temporary homeless shelter. When an opportunity came up to purchase an old elementary school for the homeless and those in need, including a 24/7 childcare facility, she jumped on board to get this up and running. Every year at Thanksgiving, she has organized “Project Thanksgiving” to help the seniors and shut ins receive a hot meal. Christy works 50-70 hours a week to make sure that the people of Tooele City are warm, fed, and safe. Melissa said that Christy is the most selfless person she knows."

Thank you for making a difference in our community!

Congratulations Christy!
Braxton Jordt and Payson Jordt - May 2023
Congratulations to the Mayor’s Community Recognition Award Recipients for May 2023 - Braxton Jordt and Payson Jordt!

Braxton and Payson Jordt - May 2023

Braxton and Payson were recognized at the City Council Meeting on May 17, 2023 (Video).

"Braxton and Payson Jordt are brothers and long time Tooele City residents. These young men were in the Walmart parking lot when they noticed a person who seemed to be living out of their car with the hood up. They did not know this person but they offered to help diagnose the car problem and when they figured out what was wrong they offered to fix the problem (all while they were in the Walmart parking lot), they even bought the part because this person didn’t have the funds to do so.

These boys made a difference helping an individual with their needed car repairs and showed a selfless act of kindness."

Thank you for making our community better.

Peter and Louise Thermos - June 2023
Congratulations to our Tooele City Mayor's Community Recognition Award recipients for June - Peter and Louise Thermos!

"Peter and Louise Thermos were nominated for helping the community by donating 10 sandbag fillers, shovels, and 5,100 sandbags for the flood mitigation efforts. 

Louise Thermos has been living in Tooele City for more than 30 years. She worked as a medical assistant for Dr. Johnson for many years until she was able to retire. She has three children, 2 girls and a boy. 

Peter Thermos was originally from Chicago and moved to Tooele in 1955 with his family as Peter's step dad was stationed at Dugway. Peter served in the Marines for 6 years, serving in Vietnam twice. He also also served in the Army for three years and worked for Dugway for 25 years until retirement. 

Peter and Louise have been married for 22 years and have enjoyed living in Tooele City. Both Peter and Louise belong to the Greek Orthodox Church and have strong religious beliefs. They feel very blessed and have learned that when you have been given much you to should give in return. They saw a need in Tooele City and wanted to be able to help the folks in their community."

Thank you for making a difference in our community. 

Adrian and Tiffany Day - July 2023
Congratulations to the Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipients for July 2023 - Adrian and Tiffany Day!

Tiffany and Adrian Day Photo

Adrian and Tiffany were recognized at the City Council Meeting on July 19, 2023 (Video).
Adrian and Tiffany were nominated by their neighbor, Lisa Poche.

"The Day's were nominated because they are consistently seen serving within the community each day. They promote the best of Tooele City and find the local beauty in nature all around. Adrian and Tiffany enjoy the outdoors and are often found hiking, walking, running, skiing, and taking advantage of outdoor opportunities.

When the Day family isn't enjoying nature, they can be found cleaning up around the neighborhood by rebuilding retaining walls, taking care of weeds, raking leaves, lawn work, snow removal, and different up-keeps throughout the neighborhood. 

Adrian and Tiffany tirelessly assist their neighbors, friends, and community with a smile. They both serve the City of Tooele with their work and dedication, but go far beyond their jobs, as they serve each and every one of their neighbors and community members that are lucky enough to know them, and those that don't. There could not be a family more deserving of recognition of their service and friendship, than the Day's." 

Thank you for making a difference in our community. 

Gwen Roberts - August 2023

Congratulations to the Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipient for August 2023 - Gwen Roberts!

Gwen Roberts Photo
Gwen was recognized at the City Council Meeting on August 16, 2023 (Video).
Gwen was nominated by her family. 

"Gwen has provided so many years of service to her community. Her days are filled with it. She is 80 years old and still serves others daily. She spends one day a week volunteering at the family history center, one day a week volunteering at the Tooele County Detention Center with the inmates, two days taking a handicapped daughter to work, and also putting together and helping run swim meets for all three high schools in the county. She has served in the DUP for many, many years. She spent countless hours at the DUP Museum fundraising and offering tours. For the last couple of years, she has headed up the DUP fundraiser of the Deseret Peak Temple handkerchiefs. She was one of the editors for the History of Tooele County hard bound book. Gwen also maintains the list of all veterans who have served from Tooele County. That list is published in the newspaper every Veteran's Day. Her daughter Becky has indexed over 600,000 names for Family Search. What people don't know, is that Gwen has had to review every one of those before they are submitted. That is no small task. In the past, Gwen served as an election judge for many years. She was a volunteer 4-H judge for the fair and served on the board of directors with the Chamber of Commerce. Gwen enjoys sewing and has helped many people with a variety of sewing projects. She has sewn scores of masks, crocheted ace bandages, and knitted beanies; all to be donated. She has volunteered to drive many people to doctors' appointments, the store, temple, and anywhere else they needed to get. She serves extensively in her church; always lifting burdens wherever she can. She has paid numerous visits to the elderly, both in their homes and later in care centers. She also served the Tooele High Swim Team as coach's wife, as a constant support and help to him for so many years.

She is the mother of 13 children and 53 grandchildren (along with their spouses), and 19 great-grandchildren. She is always attending their events and never misses a birthday. Gwen’s family said, service is the air Gwen breathes that keeps her alive every day. She has been such a blessing to so many in our community, individually and as a whole through her service."

Thank you for making a difference in our community.


Al and Bonnie Burger - September 2023
Congratulations to our Tooele City Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipients for September - Al and Bonnie Burger!

Al and Bonnie Burger Photo

Al and Bonnie were recognized at the City Council Meeting on September 20, 2023 (Video).
Al and Bonnie were nominated by Jessica Done.

"Jessica met Al and Bonnie through the Tooele City Library. Jessica said that Al and Bonnie are constantly supporting the community whenever they can. Al creates buttons and hands them out to everyone he meets just to bring a smile to their face. Bonnie helps him with the technical side of this and knows everyone in this wonderful city.  Jessica is yet to have them attend a class at the library where they didn’t walk in knowing at least one other person attending and always greets them with enthusiastic smiles and hugs. This couple spends their time helping at the senior center, inspiring those around them, volunteering at their church, and encouraging people at the library to learn technology.  Al and Bonnie enjoy getting to know their neighbors and become like family with everyone that they come in contact with. Every time Jessica meets with this amazing couple they are talking about cooking something for a neighborhood party, going to help set up an activity at the senior center, creating a new item to help new acquaintances remember loved ones that are no longer with them, and so much more. Despite all the challenges that are going on in their lives, this couple provides all their energy to help build this community up and make it a stronger happier place to be." 

Thank you for making a difference in our community!

Congratulations Al and Bonnie!

Ted York and James Hunter - November 2023
Congratulations to our Tooele City Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipients for November - Ted York and James Hunter!

Ted York Photo   James Hunter Photo

Ted and James were recognized at the City Council Meeting on November 15, 2023 (Video).

"Ted has done exceptional service taking care of the property around the Tooele City well located at 400  South and 300 West for over 50 years! He always took such pride in the work he did. Tooele City is grateful for his service.

James has been organizing a holiday food drive for Tooele County families in need since 2019. Each year, James collects food and monetary donations for Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner. He has helped hundreds of families throughout the years have a wonderful meal for the holidays. 

Ted and James are great examples to our community and we appreciate their service." 

Thank you for making a difference in our community!

Congratulations Ted and James!

Paul Simmons - December 2023
Congratulations to our Tooele City Mayor's Community Recognition Award Recipient for December - Paul Simmons!

Paul Simmons (Before) Photo Paul Simmons (After) - Photo

"Paul's leadership and hard work made this beautification project a success! Thank you for taking pride in Tooele City." 

Thank you for making a difference in our community!

Congratulations Paul!

Diana Black - November 2022
Congratulations to Diana Black who was awarded the Mayor’s Community Recognition Award in November 2022.

Diana Black Photo 

Diana was recognized at the City Council Meeting on November 2, 2022 (Video).
Diana was nominated by Vivian Rose.

Here is what Vivian said about Diana, “I would like to nominate my colleague Diana Black. She is located at the center of our school in the library. She also is the centering person for so many of our faculty. When asked what her job is at the school many might reply librarian, yet she fills a lot of different roles. She was
given the extra duty of taking care of all the chrome books that our school received when Covid‐19 appeared. She has been front and center for school activities such as our end of year carnivals. When we are desperate for help in the front office, Diana is called to help and does an excellent job. Her hats are varied and fill so many voids. I believe one of her most distinctive attributes is her ability to make everyone feel welcome and valued. From students to staff, she has a welcoming smile, a listening ear, and empathy to spare. Many times, I will find her in the library working late in order to complete or prepare for the next day. She gives a lot of her own time and even recruits her family so things will run smoothly for our school. If I haven't said enough there are other factors besides her tireless work at the school. She also does volunteer work with a large women’s organization. I think she really deserves the Mayoral award.”

Thank you for making a difference in our community!
Congratulations Diana!